When it’s time to get your best friend a gift – whether it’s their birthday, Valentine’s, Christmas – you know you can’t get them just any old thing from the mall.
You’ll want to get them not just something that you know they’ll love, but also something that celebrates your bond as best friends
If you’re looking for ideas for the best gifts for your bestie, we’ve got you covered.
Let’s kick off this list with possibly the most classic best friend gift – matching necklaces. Whether it’s the typical best friend’s necklaces with half a heart each, a locket to keep your friend’s photograph in, or matching pieces indicating both of your birthstones by month, a pair of necklaces is the perfect reminder of your best friend.
When you and your best friend wear these necklaces, you’ll be constantly reminded of your bond and keep the thought of your best friend – quite literally – next to your heart. It will remind your friend, in every moment, that you’re always there for her. Not to mention that it’ll look really cute!
BFF Outfit
Another great gift for a best friend is a matching BFF outfit. Think of the classic girl squads: like the Pink Ladies from the movie Grease with their letterman jackets, the Plastics from Mean Girls (“On Wednesdays we wear pink”), or Taylor Swift’s leather-wearing supermodel squad in the Bad Blood video. Nothing says best friends like matching outfits! And just imagine how cute the pictures of you two together will look!
Matching outfits doesn’t mean you need to look like exact copies of each in uniforms. Rather, aim to show your connection in a cute and subtle way. For example (like in Mean Girls), experiment with the same color palette. Or on the other hand, find the same outfit – but in very different colors!
BFF scrapbook
Remember, a gift doesn’t need to be something you buy. In fact, a unique handmade gift is one of the best ways to show that you cared enough to invest time in creating it. And what better way to share the memories and special moments of your best friend than a scrapbook? To create a BFF scrapbook, collect pictures of you together – whether it’s goofy selfies, old school pics from your childhood, or even group pics hanging out with all your friends.
Write down your inside jokes, including tickets from movies or concerts you went to with each other, or a map of the city to which you went on vacation together. And don’t forget to leave a lot of blank pages in the scrapbook – after all, your friendship is going to continue for many, many more years to come, and you can record it all in your bestie’s scrapbook.
Polaroid Camera
It’s truly the gift that keeps on giving. If you really want to up the ante, give her a Polaroid camera to go along with the scrapbook and take lots of future pics together.
A gift also doesn’t need to be something physical. In fact, experiences can make the best gifts, giving you and your best friend another special memory to celebrate together. So instead of heading to the mall, consider things that your best friend would love to do – and then go do it with them! Is your best friend an adrenaline junkie who has always wanted to go bungee jumping? Try overcoming your fear and booking a bungee jump experience for the two of you! Or does your bestie just love a spa day? In that case, book in a massage and facial for the two of you! Whatever you end up doing, make sure it’s something your bestie loves – and you’ll make a memory you’ll never forget, and your bestie will forever appreciate.
The last gift on our list is something you and your best friend are sure to enjoy. Wine is usually drunk among groups of friends and on celebratory occasions. So what better gift to celebrate your long-lasting friendship than a bottle of high-quality wine? Crack it open with your best friend the moment you gift it, celebrating the beautiful moments you have already spent together as friends. Or give your best friend a bottle of wine that is meant to be preserved; which like your friendship gets even finer with age. Tell your best friend the wine will be opened in 10 years – when you celebrate yet another decade of best-friendship!
Shubham Kansal is a bit addicted to the latest happening in the political and sports world. He loves to watch anime & manga, suspense, and Horror web series. He used to search and writes about the latest political, sports, and popular celebrity biography.